cat: G rehabilitation  L literature E Events Y performance  @ architecture  X ref works  Z body arts  No exhibitions  R visual arts  B film-TV  P music 

supp: 1 announc  2 audio  3 book  4 brochure  5 catalogue  6 CD-ROM  7 Chapter  8 DVD  9 Folder  10 Internet  11 Magaz  12 Newsp  13 Photo  14 Postcard  15 Poster  16 Thesis  17 Video  18 Artwork  19 Publi/Handout… editorkeywords
001R3Van Reyn JohannaArtsiders Disco Printbetween insiders and outsiders art paintings drawings interviews
002R4Angenot EricModernist Survivors weapons and war
003R3Villani LeonidaArt et Folie Editions Mondiales del Ducadrawings, paintings and sculptures of mentally ill people
004R3Dubuffet JeanL'Art BrutCompagnie de l'Art Brutdrawings, paintings and objects first fascicule
005No5Blancquaert LieveStraftijdGlobephotographs portraits SEE ALSO 69
006No3Nollet LievenInside: gevangenissen in BelgiëLannooprisons in belgium SEE ALSO 73
007R3Lanoux Jean-LouisAlexandre Lobanov et l'Art Brut en Russie OFFSET 5weapons Russia
008X3Martin EtiennePrécis de médecine Légale Masson et C, Editeursmental health prisoners FR
009L11Lacassagne JeanA Lyon avec les Filles prisoners FR
010L11Rousset JTombeau pour Jean Lacassagne 1886-1960medicine prisons FR
011L3Williams Rachel Marie-CraneTeaching the Arts behind Bars Northeastern University Pressteaching prisoners painting and drawing
012G4Deuxième Journée Interactive RAPprogram 2007
013L3Neys AchielTralies in de weg Universitaire Pers Leuvenmental health and surviving strategies in belgian prisons history and perspectives
014L3Archer JeffreyA Prison Diary Pan Booksprisoner's life USA
015R5Segaert StefaanGeboeid JW Gentinmate art literature poetry
016R5Segaert StefaanGeboeid JW Gentinmate art literature poetry
017L3Hopwood CliveA Guide to the Writer's Residence in Prison Writers in Prison Network Ltd inmate art literature poetry
018L3Dumont BorisMes Prisons Témoignage Editions Labordrug addiction violence leisure boredom
019L3De Groof RoelDe August Vermeylenkring VUB Presspolitical cultural action progressive and social intellectuals Brussels 1954-2004
020L11Gordts PatrickIris Lay-Outleisure boredom guards
021L11Justipress GevangenissenNeirynck Lucviolence leisure Art Without Bars
022L11Justipress GevangenissenNeirynck Lucviolence leisure Art Without Bars
023Z3Baldaev DanzigRussian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia II Fuelwomen prisoners body art tattoos Russia SEE ALSO 284
024Z16Van De Vijver KathleenGetekend voor het Leven: tatoeages in de gevangenisUgenttattoos survival strategies+G24
025Z11Lacassagne JeanTatouages du "Milieu"tattoo
026No5Kosta-Théfaine OlivierSelected Works II A L I C E installations
028No5Delvoye WimBing 04 galerie e perrotin2 articles on artist Wim Delvoye
029R5Ingelbrecht ManfredZwart Wit JW Bruggesculptures drawings paintings
030R5AWBArt for detainees: luxury or urgencyArt Without Bars AWBbenefit sale inmate art
031R5AWBArt for detainees: luxury or urgencyArt Without Bars AWBbenefit sale inmate art
032R5AWBArt for detainees: luxury or urgencyArt Without Bars AWBbenefit sale inmate art
033No5Artières PhilippeLe médecin et le criminel, A. Lacassagne 1843/1924 Les Amis des Bibliotheques de Lyonportrait photographs drawings
034No5Artières PhilippeLe médecin et le criminel, A. Lacassagne 1843/1924 Les Amis des Bibliotheques de Lyonportrait photographs drawings
035B3Zmijewski ArturIf it happened only once it's as if it never happened National Galleria of Art Warsawexperimental film Poland
036R8Edward Hodgkin: an ordinary man becomes an artistpainting
037R17Dillemans SamFou de van Gogh french subtitlesAce Digital Houseinterview famous artist
038R8Dillemans SamFou de van Gogh Ace Digital Houseinterview famous artist
039No17Dillemans SamFou de van GoghAce Digital Houseinterview famous artist
040No17Dillemans SamFou de van GoghAce Digital Houseinterview famous artist
041No17Dillemans SamFou de van GoghAce Digital Houseinterview famous artist
042No17Dillemans SamFou de van GoghAce Digital Houseinterview famous artist
043No8Dillemans SamFou de van Gogh Ace Digital Houseinterview famous artist
044Y8Royet FrançoisIntra-Muros MouvementsZarafaFilmsdance inmate art
045Y8Royet FrançoisIntra-Muros MouvementsZarafaFilmsdance inmate art
046Y8Chalem DeniseDis à ma fille que je pars en voyage Sopattheatre in women prison SEE ALSO 124/125
047Y8Chalem DeniseDis à ma fille que je pars en voyage Sopattheatre in women prison
048B8Mrozowski JanuszFugues carcérales Filmogènereal life comedy prison life
049@17Benthum JeremyJeremy Benthem BBC Documentary BBCeighteenth and nineteenth century architecture UK
050R17Benthem JeremyThe Mummy Road ShowNational Geographic Channeleighteenth century architecture UK
051R17Rammant AgnèsTop HatsArt Without Bars AWBintroduction to art workshops interdisciplinary
052R17Rammant AgnèsTop HatsArt Without Bars AWBintroduction to art workshops interdisciplinary
053R17Rammant AgnèsTop HatsArt Without Bars AWBintroduction to art workshops interdisciplinary
054R17Rammant AgnèsTop HatsArt Without Bars AWBintroduction to art workshops interdisciplinary
055Z12Bogaert Peter-JanLichaamstaal Zeno Gallerytattoo
056Z12Alpha dog De Standaarddrug addiction rap culture tattoos
057Z12AEPPolitici tot Kunst verheven De Standaardportrait photography famous politicians
058Z12PAGeen grote tatoeages meer voor Marines De Standaardtattoos not allowed in US
059Z12Modehuis wil showen met gedetineerden De Standaardsocial impact fashion violence
060Z18ReutersBraz gevangene model voor reclame lingerie bedrijf Reuterssocial impact fashion women
061R1van BueuysGewone en buitengewone kunstenaars De Morgenpsychiatric patients drawings paintings
062P1Grunenwaldt MarthaMusiques en Marge Arts en Margesdrawings paintins
063@1Govaerts KarelGevangenis Museum vzw Merksplas Gevangenis Museumgeneral presentation of the prison museum
064R1GezinspastoraalConferentie Zr Simone Ponnet Kerk en Levenrehabilitation religion belgian sister in US
065Z12VHJIs een mortier een kunstwerk?De Standaardart objects
066Z12BelgaHet leven zoals het is: gevangenis De Morgendocumentary on daily life in belgian prisons
067G4De Cock JanGeef Gevangenen een Gezicht Within Without Wallsart objects
068@1Gevangenis MuseumIn verzekerde bewaring Gevangenis Museum
069No1Blancquaert LieveStraftijdGlobephotographs portraits SEE ALSO 5
070No1INGZwartwit Museum Dr Guislainrehabilitation paintings drawings sculptures
071R5AWBArt for detainees: luxury or urgencyArt Without Bars AWBbenefit sale more details SEE ALSO 30
072No12Blancquaert LieveVogeltje, gij zijt gevangen De Morgensurvival strategies house of arrest Tongeren expo 2006
073No3Nollet LievenInside: gevangenissen in BelgiëLannooprisons in Belgium expo 2006
074No15Candas-Salmon Marie-OdileLa Prison: c'est pas notre affaire Musee d'art Moderne et d'art Contemporain Liège a dialogue on prisons installations expo 2005
075@4Staf PelckmansGeboeid publiek, het leven achter traliesStaf Pelckmansinmate art and architecture expo 2003
076R12Vanden Bossche SofieCeci n'est pas une prison De Morgenart work paintings exhibition belgian prison
077R12Ghijs IngeGevangenen tonen hun verborgen talenten De Standaardinmate art paintings exhibition belgian prison
078@4VVV MerksplasMerksplas: proeven van de vrijheid Adrem Intermediagroepprison museum interesting experience
079R4Association PSTITalents cachés?Association PSTI creative writing paintings drawings sculptures rehabilitation expo
080No3Nollet LievenInside: gevangenissen in BelgiëLannoopaintings drawings sculptures textiles inmate art
081No1Sadin LizzieLes Enfants du BagneFNACwith Amnesty International on dysfunctional prisons Russia
082@4Le Louvre invite: Robert Badinter Le Louvreprogram architecture and social space
083G11Sman, van der JoséVan ieder fatsoenlijk mens valt een duivel te maken ElsevierStanford Experiment violence guards
084G3Aldo CarlosHubert Lanssiers verwierf faam als verdediger vd mensenrechtenDe Standaarddecease Hubert Lanssiers human rights
085G12Eeckhaut MarkZaak-Cools in de ziekenboeg De Standaardjudicial system human rights
086G12Ghijs IngeSituatie geïnterneerden is middeleeuws De Standaardhuman rights mental health psychiatry
087G12Van Hove JanDe kunst heeft mij gered De Standaardinstallations film photographs
088G18Drawing of a Weapon graphic arts
089G12Claeys ManuAscetisch, Elitair en Publieksonvriendelijk De Standaardprisoners art
090G12Van de Voorde MarkVredesprijs uitgereikt Kerk en Levenrehabilitation religion belgian sister in US
091G12Van de Voorde MarkHet succes van Abraham House Kerk en Levenrehabilitation religion belgian sister in US
092G11California prisons Economistovercrowded prisons recidives US
093G11D Scott PaulThuis achter tralies Estaleisure/boredom women portrait photography NL
094G12Goris RiaMet zijn zevenen in een cel De Standaardleisure/boredom interview overcrowding
095G12Depouhon Jean-PaulOverbevolkte cellen zijn "afdaling in hel" De Standaardviolence overcrowding medicine France
096G11Nolens DavidDe gedachten zijn vrij Weliswaarcultural projects
097G12Neels LeoDe gevangenis directeur gestraftDe Standaardprison staff rehabilitation
098G12Verhoest FilipEr is leven na de gevangenis De Standaardleisure/boredom interviews religion
099G12Annaert DésiréTralies uit de weg Kerk en Levenleisure/boredom Roemenia Denmark
100G12Declerck GwenVerveling hangt als vieze lucht over Leuven Hulp De Tijd leisure and boredom
101G11Depouhon JPLa prison, ça sert à quoi?Alternative Libertaire critical evaluation of the prison system by inmate
102G12Declerck GwenGevangenen leven in juridisch vacuüm De Tijd Basiswet - loi de principes - basic law
103G12Van den Broek GretelLeren leven met de onmacht almoner testifies on his difficult prison experience
104G12Janssen PeterGewurgde gevangene geen toeval De Standaard violence
105G11Demyttenaere BartIk voel me thuis in de gevangenis De Standaard Magazinevolunteer in prison Leuven Centraal
106G12Ghijs IngePsychiaters in gevangenissen hebben geen tijd De Standaard more detainees commit suicide
107G12Van Dievoet CatherineHet blijft schadebeperking, geen therapie De Standaard mental health
108G12De Bock StevenJustitie wil behandeling geïnterneerden privatiseren De Standaardinternees to be treated by private institutions
109G12De Bock StevenNiet straffen, maar genezen De Standaard mental health politics
110G12Van Dorsselaer IsaHet lijken wel de Middeleeuwen De StandaardOsra organization in Ghent with sports and culture
111R18ReutersGevangene toont haar verkiezingskaart (Congo) documentary photograph politics human rights
112G12Gevangenen in VS verkrachten ongestraft medegevangenen politics violence prisoners human rights
113G12Ruime steun voor psychiatrie De Standaard politics psychiatry internees
114G12Verhoest Filip Lot geïnterneerden hangt opnieuw aan zijden draad cutting of budgets for institutes with forensic patients
115G4Netwerk Samenleving en Detentie: wie we zijn en wat we willen?Liga voor Mensenrechtenpresentation of network not for profit organisations active in prisons
116R1D' Honolt AMBeste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar!Grafisoftoutsider art
117R1Jones KimZeno X Gallery: Kim Jones Zeno X Gallerydocu film outsider art leisure boredom
118R11Cozzone ChrisWelcome to Prison photography on prison life
119R1Sluban KlavdijDix ans de photographie en prison les Belles Lettresyouth photography
120R12Van de Voorde MarkBevrijdend: op gesprek in de gevangenis Kerk en Levenpainting religion
121R12Linger JefKunstenaar geeft schilderles in Hasseltse gevangenis painting
122R12Buck LouisaArt in high Places The Art Newspaper painting
123P4Musique Esperance Musique Esperance Musique Esperance music
124Y1Chalem DeniseDis a ma fille que je pars en voyagewomen prisoners
125Y4Chalem DeniseDis a ma fille que je pars en voyagewomen prisoners
126Y15Coglan LinClean Break presents: Apache Tears CleanBreakthe unique voice of women ex-offenders & ex-prisoners
127Y12Vanden Bossche SofieMuziek verzacht de zeden, ook met valse noten De Morgenmusic
128Y12Zagers GeertTribute to Johnny Cash in Turnhoutse gevangenis De Morgentribute in prison
129Y12Russische gevangenen zingen zich vrij De Standaard music
130Y11Farouky JumanaStars of the Slammer production of Chicago goes behind bars women prisoners social impact UK
140Y12Het CollectiefStemmen uit het prison Victoria Deluxe music theater
141Y1Coglan LinClean Break Theatre Company CleanBreakthe unique voice of women ex-offenders & ex-prisoners UK
142B1Soans HannoIsolatorArte Communicationsprison as a place of social denial
143B12Imponerend gevangenisdrama De Standaard oscar winning film on identity and escape US
144B1Brenner BirgitBirgit Brenner Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens outsider art women installation US
145B1Zmijewski ArturRepetition Zachata National Gallery of Artexperimental film violence Poland
146G4AVIMO vzwVideo's over gevangenen, gedetineerden, geïnterneerden, doodstraf, zingeving AVIMO vzwdetainees internees death sentence
147B11Séry MachaA l'ombre du poste Le Monde: Radio-télévision leisure/boredom interview
148B11Séry MachaPrisonniers et téléspectateurs Le Monde: Radio-télévision leisure/boredom
149B11Séry MachaRester en prise avec la vie dehors Le Monde: Radio-télévision leisure/boredom interview prison staff rehabilitation
150B11Séry MachaTrente ans de télévision en prison Le Monde: Radio-télévision leisure/boredom history politics
151B12Somers Maartje'De werkelijkheid zo eerlijk mogelijk tonen'NRC Handelsblad docu film theatre violence Sweden
152B1Bugaev Afrika SergeiStalker 3I-20docu film soldiers
153R11HTHotel Prison in Congo Kerk en Levenleisure/boredom prison staff rehabilitation
154L4Hopwood CliveWriters Behind Bars: a Day in Life Writer ResidenceWriters in Prison Network Ltd leisure/boredom survival strategies UK
155@4Eastern State PenitentiaryEastern State Penitentiary Eastern State Penitentiarymuseum Philadelphia US
156No1RAPCouleurs de l'ombre associations Namurinmate art
157@12Allix GrégoireEn prison, l'architecture au défi de bouger les murs Le Monde history Autran
158@12Fabienne DoulatEn 1836, la Petite Roquette inaugure le modèle cellulaire Le Monde history interview
159No12Merens KoenDonkere gangen en piepkleine cellen De Standaardgraffiti inmate art exhibition
160@18Ticket to Museum "Cresty" museum
161@4Putnam FrançoiseDe Hallepoort Publiekswerking Hallepoortmiddle ages nineteenth century
162@4Lacassagne JeanActes du Congrès Pénitentiaire International De Rome 1885Comité exécutifnineteenth century
163@12E M Marc Verwilghen opent gevangenis in IttreDe Standaardsocial impact overcrowding politics guards
164@3Levin ThomasCTRL[Space] Cambridge (Mass )eighteenth to twentieth century Rhetorics of Surveillance fron Bentham to Big Brother
166L1Jacobs JosEvaluatie conclusies gebruikersonderzoek 2002 Bib Leuven Centraalevaluation and conclusion of readers
167L1Het samen-lees-project Bib Tweebronnenreading link inside outside
168P6Walgrave AntonElänor Flaws zes gedetineerden brengen cd uitCare4datainmate art music Leuven Centraal
169R3Simonet EmileDessins de prison Knagourou du Bois Noirinmate art drawings biography
170@5Tanssens AnnickHet Tuchthuiscomplex in Vilvoorde Architecture Archive- St Lukasarchief vzw nineteenth century
171@15Nagels LucHet Tuchthuis VilvoordeArchitecture-Archive- St Lukasarchief vzw seventeenth to nineteenthcentury inmate art
172@4Tack LucHet voormalige tuchthuis van Vilvoorde Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschapold prison
173G11King RonnyDe Oudenaardse Binnenpost!prison life
174G3WatchGeachte M Directeur inmate asks for art class
175Z12ReutersBikkembergs in Milaan De Standaardbody art Italy
176Z11Van Denderenb AdDe held van de Kroatische strandgast tattoo war criminals Croatia
177R1Vannijvel VanessaVerborgen talent KADOCinmate art poetry exhibition
178@13Rammant AgnesPaifve Prison Pictures architecture
179B1De Gruyter JosTen Weyngaert MuHKaphoto of work of art with arms
180B11Theirry MichelHotel Particulier inmate art 1980's
181No4Steenssens AgnesGeef Gevangenen een Gezicht Within Without Walls
182R11ABCD ArtbrutL'art brut, avant l'art brut ABCD Artbrutoutsider art history 1800s 1900s
183Z11Rachline SoniaCorps Politiques Voguetattoo interview
184B1Alix LambertThe Mark of Cain Erfgoedceltattoo Russian prisoners USA
185R18Paris Hilton cartoon imprisonement Paris Hilton
186G12ReutersParis Hilton zit in de cel De Standaardimprisonement Paris Hilton
187Z13Rammant AgnesTrip Russia- tattoos tattoo Russia
188@13Rammant AgnesTrip Russia- wall painting painting graffiti Russia
189@12Rammant AgnesTrip Russia- prison paintings painting Russia
190R13Rammant AgnesTrip Russia- army statues art objects violence Russia
191R13Rammant AgnesTrip Russia- Calmitas art objects violence Russia
192No12Gillemon Dani leLa folie, la femme, le mal à l'enseigne du Docteur Guislain Le Madmadness women
193Y1Pennanen AnuA Monument for the Invisible youth women
194R5Vannijvel VanessaVerborgen talent KADOCinmate art poetry exhibition
195B11Giraud RobertBob Giraud et Gabriel Pomerand filment les tatoués Le Monde tattoo Bob Giraud Paris
196B12Goossens JanDe wereld op een filmdoek, het smaakt naar meer De MorgenTurnhout Open Doek festival collaboration inside and outside
197No1Guinard PierreLyon à la une Ville de Lyon criminals
198Y12Bruls WillemPierre Boulez neemt afscheid met dodenhuis De Standaardopera Janacek Death House nineteenth century Russia Holland Festival
199Y3Baldaev Dantzigselection of works from private collection of Baldaevbook on Russian tattoo
200G12Derudder BertrandPluim voor zuster Annemie award for sister working in prisons WTV KBS
201G12Derudder BertrandTieltse zusterzamelt goederen in voor zij die het moeilijk hebben award for sister working in prisons with the poor
202Z11Lacassagne Jean ALa signification des tatouages chez les peuples primitifs criminocorpussignification of tattoos in ancient population
203Z11Geill ChristianIdentification par le tatouagecriminocorpusidentification by tattoos in danish prisons DK
256G1De Cock JanWithin-Without-Walls Geef gevangen n gezichtWithin Without Wallsart objects SEE ALSO 67
257G12Verhoest FilipLacroix als voorbeeld De Standaardex-detainee as role model returns as teacher
258No1Voorbij goed en kwaad Waanzin is vrouwelijkMuseum Guislainart by women in psychiatry around 1900
259No4Insider Art Koestler Trustart from The Koestler Awards Scheme
260No4Give an offender a new horizon: sponsor a Koestler Award Koestler Trustinformation about sponsoring an award
261No5Insider Art: Art from the Koestler Awards Scheme Koestler Trustexhibition 2007 catalogue 2
262No6Rammant AgnèsInsider Art: Art from the Koestler Awards Scheme Koestler Trustphotographs of the exhibition 2007
263No6Rammant AgnèsSparks alive!Koestler TrustKoestler Awards
264R6Rammant AgnèsLacassagne Scans 3 0247-XX1
265R6Rammant AgnèsLacassagne Scans 4 0235-0246
266R6Rammant AgnèsLacassagne Scans 2 0221-0234
267R6Rammant AgnèsLacassagne Scans 1 0204-0220
268R6Rammant AgnèsLacassagne Scans 5 XX2-XXX
270Z6Dupont ChristopheChristophe Dupont- Prison Walls 6 drawings6 drawings 2007
271Z5Leemans PolVilvoorde CD 2photographs graffiti empty prison
272Z5Leemans PolVilvoorde CD 1photographs graffiti empty prison
273Z5WatchTribal van kunstenaar-tatooeur Watch in Oudenaarde De Groot Fannycross contour drawings
274Z8Rammant AgnèsTop HatsAWBintroduction to art workshops interdisciplinary
275Z8Rammant AgnèsTop HatsAWBintroduction to art workshops interdisciplinary
276Z8Pepermans AlbertElectric ChairAWBdigital image art work
277No6Rammant AgnèsTentoonstelling Cultureel Centrum Abdij Maagdendale AWBdocumentary photographs
278No6Rammant AgnèsZwart-Wit en Dierbare MarieGevangenis Ruislede en Radio 1inmate art paintings
279Z6Leemans PolIsolatiecel en andere zichten interview of the artist of the exhibition Dierbare Marie
280Z6Private CollectionPrisoner Drawings 2 inmate art drawings Lacassagne
281Z6Private CollectionPrisoner Drawings 1 inmate art drawings Lacassagne
282No6Laes PaulVerborgen talentphotographs shown in the catalogue
283L3Lacassagne JeanL'Argot du "Milieu" Editions Albin Michelslang language
284Z3Baldaev DanzigRussian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia I Steidl/FUELtattoo Russia
285Z5Lambert AlixRussian Prison Tattoos; codes of authority, domination, & struggle Shiffer Publishing Ltd tattoo Russia
286Z3Forment FrancinaTatu-Tattoo!Musées royaux d' Art et d'Histoiretattoo worldwide
287L2Woefli AdolfGelesen und Vertont Druck AGoutsider art
288R17Rammant AgnèsTop HatsAWBintroduction to art workshops interdisciplinary
289R17Rammant AgnèsTop HatsAWBintroduction to art workshops interdisciplinary
290L3Fellows Warren The damage done drug addiction menthal health justice system
292No5Atwood Jane EvelynL'enfer-me-ment Hussondocumentary photographs
293L3Fellows Warren The damage done drug addiction menthal health justice system see also 290
294@3Cooke PatA History of Kilmainham Gaol OPW, The Office op Public Works prison architecture
295L3Chandler DavidTerror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison violence
296Z3Lacassagne JeanTatouages Gaston Doin en Cie Editeurs tattoo
297L3Pennac DanielLa petite marchande de prose Gallimard poetry
298Z3Bammann KaiTätowierungen im Strafvollzug BIS - Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universit�t Oldenburg graffiti
299L3Sarrazin AlbertineJournal de prison 1959 Editions Sarrazin young women prisoners
300No12Delvoye WimAardse varkens Wim DelvoyeDe Morgentattood pig Arielle by Wim Delvoye for expo UK
301@11Elen OlivierOnze man logeert in de gevangenisChegerman journalist about his experience of being voluntarily emprisoned
303Z3Vandekerckhove LievenTatoeage. Over de sociogenese van schoonheidsnormen Accosocial-cultural meaning of tattoos
304G11Prisoners from NivellesLe journal des compagnons d'infortune Vivement dehors!contains drawings from prisoners
305G11Prisoners from ArlonLe Yo-Yo Le Yo-Yocartoons made by a prisoner (A Poncelet)
306G11A new deal Rehabilitating prisoners The Economist teaching enterpreneurship in Texas prisons 2008
307Z11Riou FrédéricL'art a-t-il sa place derrière les barreaux?Contemporain (s) mode creations with women prisoners Fresnes France
308X4Réseau art et prisonArt et prisonEchos et résonnances brochure on all associations working with art and culture in jails Belgium
309No6Asbl "Service laïque d'Aide Sociale aux Justiciables de la province de Luxembourg"Miroirs de l'âme SASJ Luxembourgworks from the exhibition Saint-Hubert 2008
310No5Asbl "Service laïque d'Aide Sociale aux Justiciables de la province de Luxembourg"Miroirs de l'âme SASJ Luxembourgworks from the exhibition Saint-Hubert 2008
311No15Asbl "Service laïque d'Aide Sociale aux Justiciables de la province de Luxembourg"Miroirs de l'âme SASJ Luxembourgworks from the exhibition Saint-Hubert 2008
312Z18O-Toshi ToranagaBiennale 2008
313Z18O-Toshi ToranagaBiennale 2008 tattoo drawing
314No15Binnen de lijntjes?exhibition Gevangenismuseum Merksplas 2008 wiht contribution by AWB ALSO 329
315No15Prison Break film
316B8Darabont FrankThe Shawshank Redemption prisoner creates a library in a prison
317B12Herbots KimEr moet wel humor inzitten en we willen zeker ook BVDe Morgenfirst television chain created in a prison in Flanders Mechelen
318B12Cuypers KellyGedetineerden en studenten achter camera first television chain created in a prison in Flanders Mechelen
319@12Autenne AurélieDe architectuur van het totale isolement De Morgen buildings of prisons
320R11Callico CatherineL'art enfermé interviews from prisoners doing different kind of arts in jail theater rap
321@11Cornish NickTafelen bij de Godfather De Morgen restaurant with food made by prisoners in Italy
322Z13Seibert AndreasJapanese Soprano's Victoire Le Soirphotograph of the tattoos of the Japanese maffia
323Z12J MVzw veilt maskers gedetineerden voor Congolese gevang De Morgenauction in Berchem with masks made by prisoners and artists with Jan De Cock
324Z12De Ruyck JoHip in gevangenisplunje De Morgen German fashion design made in jail
325Z11von Klot KristinaAuf immer und ewig mobilGermans tattoo exhibition 2008
326No4Festival des libertés 2007 festival activities on freedom in Brussels incl. exhibition L'imaginaire griffoné from AWB
327No15Festival des libertés 2007 festival activities on freedom in Brussels incl. exhibition L'imaginaire griffoné from AWB
328No9Graffitikunstenaars toveren magie Uilenspiegelgraffiti exhibition in tramstation Brussels
329No9Gevangenis MuseumBinnen de lijntjes?exhibition prison museum with artistic works from prisoners from Flanders ALSO 331
330No1Réseau art et prisonCouleurs de l'ombre Réseau art et prisonartistic works from prisoners Namur and Andenne ALSO 156
331No5Gevangenis MuseumBinnen de lijntjes?artistic works of prisoners, outsiders and free artists incl. info Art Without Bars ALSO 329
332R18BrianThe mind of a woman artistic work made by a prisoner Oudenaarde
333G6De Groot FannyMaking it work with tattoo slides congress Making it work for offenders funded TEP from European Commission EC
334Z11V CGetekend voor het leven P magazine photographs of prisoners with tattoos US
335No11Depondt PaulTeken van verzet en ornamentiek H art Inmate Tattoo from Art Without Bars AWB in the prison of Oudenaarde 2007
336No12Lauwereyns KoenGetekend voor het leven Het Nieuwsblad workshops about tattoos from Art without Bars AWB in the prison of Oudenaarde
337No1S I OudenaardeUitnodiging diploma-uitreiking 10 december 2007 Inmate Tattoo from Art Without Bars AWB Oudenaarde 2007
338No1Michaud Mariettegreeting card AWB 2008AWBpictures Inmate Tattoo Art Without Bars AWB
339E11Debatten en een tentoonstelling Fakkeltelex Inmate Tattoo exhibit Festival des Libertés on freedom versus confinement 2008
340No15Smets Marie-JeanneNatuurverwant photographs in the Central Prison of Leuven
341No4La maison rougeLes inspirés art brut two artists Augustin Lesage and Elmar Trenkwalder maison rouge Paris
342B12D ALa vie n'est pas ici, et pourtant Le Soir life of four women prisoners Berkendael
343Z1Neem de trein en een nieuwe tattoo tattoo used for an advertisement
344G6Radio 3What are the prisons for?BBC radio 3Anne Owers on problems in prisons England linked to Free thinking festival BBC Radio
345B1Het ei van Christoffels Canvaslife of Sister Simone Ponnet 2007 documentary on rehabilitation house in NY US
346B12Nollet RubenEen Française uit Engeland De Standaard Kristin Scott Thomas in Il y a longtemps que je t'aime woman in jail directed by Paul Claudel
347L1LC bibVertaalde Hoop poetry contest Central Prison Leuven 2005
348L15LC bibVertaalde Hoop poetry contest Central Prison Leuven 2005 ALSO 347
349R11Paradijs, penitentiaire Inrichting Noordsingel TV Rijnmond, Rotterdams Dagblad, de Telegraaf on work of art in garden prison in Netherlands
350R3 Montefiore Simon SPiggy Foxy and the Sword of Revolution Alexander Vatlin Bolshevik top leaders' informal drawings 20'-30' self-portraits
351G12Kuppens KrisWe kunnen allemaal door het lint gaanDe Morgen article on Jan De Cock who works voluntary in prisons for the rights of prisoners
352@12Justaert MarjanGedetineerden hebben de illusie van een uitweg nodigDe Morgen escaping from prison and the right to do so
353@12Justaert MarjanEen exclusief bezoek aan Leuven Centraal De Morgen on the open cell regime in Central Prison Leuven
354G12De Coster SaskiaOog om oog, tand om tand De Morgencall for alternatives to emprisonment
355Z12CAVTattoos voor geletterde mensen De Morgen new trend in the tattoo world: tattoos of text
356Z12De Buck WillyHet was allemaal Mariusz' ideeDe Standaard trial of Adam G and the questions about his suspicious tattoos
357Z12W E O. vd Boogaard krijgt aanbod om zijn tattoo te verkopen De Morgen tattoo made by artist Douglas Gordon on author Oscar van den Boogaard for sale
358No1Herfst 2008 - De hulpgevangenis Leuven in kleur vernissage and exhibition of Inmate Tattoo in auxiliary prison Leuven
359@5Uil H 's Gravensteen Zierikzee Maritiem Museum Zierikzee former Dutch prison turned into a museum
360@3Govaerts KarlDe kleine geschiedenis van DE KEMPEN in 20 dagen Waanders Uitgevers justice in the Kempen region during 19th. C.
361No1Ce champ isolé au milieu de mon esprit vernissage by the Club Antonin Artaud Exhibition 2008 Brussels
362E1Expérience et création congress art therapy 2008 Brussels by Intervalle and Club Antonin Artaud
363G1Koestler Trust - arts by offenders Koestler Trustguidance for prisoners willing to take part in the Koestler Trust Awards
364L3Wilkinson TLives of ancient egyptians text on famous egyptian criminal (Paneb) known thanks to administrative and legal texts
365Z12Van Horne KizzyVergankelijkheid bodypainting werkt ontspannend De Standaard interview of the bodypainter Mariette Kuypers about her work and the bodypainting
366Z12Morel PierreLe tattoo a la peau dure Le Soir Belgian Tattoo Week-end and the place of the tattoo in our society
367No5Fatalitas! Van sletten, flikken en brommersAWBdrawings from the interbellum by French inmates
368R4Piranesi Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent 09 on Piranesi - De prentencollectie UG
369L11Nieuwsbrief De interne krant Leuvense Hulpgevangenis prison newspaper advertising for the publication Fatalitas! by AWB
370B8Nokin DanielLiberté sur paroles interview of Jean-Marc Mahy subtitled in Dutch
371G3Cassandre/HorschampLes hors-champs de l'art Editions Noys collection debates and meetings on art in prison and psychiatry named L'art en difficulté
372No8Art Withouth BarsInmate Tattoo: close-ups exhibition close-ups
373No6Art Without BarsInmate Tattoo: brochure exhibition version for the prison of Oudenaarde: printed version under number 0374
374No4Art Without BarsInmate Tattoo: brochure exhibition printed version of the brochure of Inmate Tattoo Digital version under number 0373
375No4Art Without BarsInmate Tattoo: brochure exhibition printed version of the brochure of Inmate Tattoo Digital version under number 0373
376L4Migron MMes mémoires copy of manuscript by M. Migron a visual artist published in Fatalitas!
377No9Koestler TrustArt by offenders Koestler Trustexhibition 2008 London
378No5Koestler TrustArt by offenders Koestler Trustexhibition 2008 London
379Z12W E Ch (st)L'homme qui valait 150 000 euros Le Soir Wim Delvoye creates tattoos
380Z11Moerman Jean-LucArtifices Victoire photographer Jean-Luc Moerman's features tattoos
381R5de Villiers JephanJephan de Villiers art works from Jephan de Villiers
382R3Wylie DonovanThe Maze photographs of art works from Donovan
383R5Boelen LegsArt in prison art works by young detainees prison Vught NL
384R5Pétra WerléPétra Werlé sculpteurRagagephotographs of sculpture works from Pétra Werlé
385G3Liebmann MarianArt Therapy with Offenders Kingsleycompilation of essays on rehabiliation through the arts
386L3Landenne PhilippePeines en prison Larciertestimony about the negative effects of detention
387L3Guéno Jean-PierreParoles de détenus Radio Francetestimonies about life in prison request radio France to collect texts written in detention
388R3Prinzhorn HansBildnerei der Gefangenen photographs of Hans Prinzhorn's collection of prisoners art works
389L18Challeen DennisPrisoners poem by Judge of the Suprem Court US about detention and its effects
390G3Henry de Frahan ElianeAu-delà des barreaux testimony encouraging artistic activities in detention
391No4Niblock PhillThe ornamental body Nieuwsbrief witte zaal expo The ornamental body incl. Inmate Tattoo AWB 2009 Ghent
392R18Le prisonnier de BâleTête coupée à la barbiche collection de l'art brut
393No1gevangenis MuseumCel of Hotel ?gevangenis Museumcombination human rights and detention Gevangenis Museum 2009
394E1Marges à l'ombre ligue droits de l'homme week of human rights 2008 Brussels Incl.expo FRONTIERES
395E9Marges à l'ombre ligue droits de l'homme week of human rights 2008 Brussels Incl.expo FRONTIERES
396G6Prison art network productions and info 3rd Prison Art Network Conference Denmark 2009 European prison art
397P6Legs BoelenMeeslepend, Meespelend CD realised in the prison of Vught NL by Leon van den Akker
398R11Themanummer: lust en liefde Out of Art magazine for actual outsider art
399G6Michaud JulieDémonstration Pétra Werlé pour Mise sur la mie AWBdocufilm of workshop by French artist P.Werlé organized by AWB
400R18Cartoon gezondheidszorg overhevelen naar JustitieDe Standaard better organize health care in prisons by justice department cartoon with Min Turtelboom
401No5Pierce SarahThe moon extinguishers materials of expo prison Mechelen 2009 and of workshops by Yael Davids on the idea of circus
402G12Chiefs bringing terror to the world The Sunday times deradicalisation programm for terrorists
403G12Van religieuze heropvoeding tot een auto De Standaard deradicalisation programm for terrorists in Saudi Arabia
404No12Metdepenningen MarcDes évasions par les toiles Le Soir expo La part digne by CAL in Brussels 2008
405Y12Van Beek JozefienVictoria Deluxe maakt muziektheater met gedetineerden De Morgen music theater with prisoners
406G12Niebuhr ReinholdNo title The Sunday Times on foregiveness
407Y12Beel VeerleGevangenen voeren musical op in de Nieuwe Wandeling De Standaard on the musical Hotel california with prisonners from Ghent
408L12Verbeeck JeroenPoezie vanuit de multicriminele samenleving De Morgen on poetry book Openingen by and for prisoners Leuven ALSO 409
409L3Barnard BennoOpeningen collection of poetry by 42 poets, prisonners or not also on DVD ALSO 408
410Z12Brown Roland ElliottUncovering the Hidden World of Criminal Tattoos The Moscow Times on Baldaeyevs' photographs of criminal tattoos in St Petersburg Russia
411R12Ostrowski JensZeugnisse der vernichtungspolitik Westfälische Rundschau three drawings by the Jewish Hermann Baum in a concentration camp incl. one reproduction
412Y12Van der Speeten GeertBij Bach op de koffie De Standaard concert of K Broucke and S Traey and book Muziek werkt on concerts with prisoners ALSO 417
413B12Ghijs IngeLeuven hulp: Ik vind het zo erg om hier te zittenDe Standaard four documentaries on everyday life in prison Leuven on channel Eén ALSO 419
414Y13ReutersNo title De Standaard photograph representing prisoners dancing as Michaël Jackson in Philippines
415B8Satrapi MarjanePersepolis film based on the graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi ALSO 424
416G16Claerhout GrietKent kunst geen tralies ?KULeuvenart activities and art therapy ; motivation participation cultural activities inmates
417P3Traey SylviaMuziekexperiences of S Traey with music workshops in hospitals and prisons BE GE Swiss ALSO 412
418X3Dillemans RogerWegwijs cultuur Davidsfondsgeneral guide about culture and cultural life, includes one page about AWB (p 158)
419B12Theerlynck SarahSchuld en boete in Leuven De Morgenfour documentaries on everyday life in prison Leuven on channel Eén ALSO 413
420Y12Theerlynck SarahHet mocht geen aapjes kijken wordenDe Morgentheater workshop Heroes and Villains Ewout d'Hoore Thomas Bellinck prison Leuven on Eén
421G12Delepierre FredericAltcourse, prison privée de Sa MajestéeLe Soir on rehabilitation at Liverpool prison ALSO 422
422G12Sue SomersDit zijn mensen, geen beestenDe Morgen on rehabilitation at Liverpool prison ALSO 421
423G12Van der Auwera KarelMijn beroepsverbod is kafkaiaansBDW 1200 case of a teacher removed from a Brussels prison
424L12Schelstraete IngePersepolis' 30 jaar later De Standaard graphic novel reused by young iranian people on last thirty years ALSO 415
425L12Delepierre FredericJ'ai tout plaqué pour un détenu Le Soir book Des barreaux et des anneaux real love story prisoner and member of the prison staff
426B12Temmerman JanVoor mij is de gevangenis een plaats waar democratie op grenzen botst De Morgen Lea Fehner director film Qu'un seul tienne et les autres suivront about the life in prison
427R5Meadows MatthewMy life now exhibition with drawings from prisonners London about life in prison
428No5Werlé PétraPétra Werlé art work
429X3Artières PhilippePapiers des bas-fonds, archives d'un savant du crimeon the life of Alexandre Lacassagne and his records 1843-1924 ALSO 430
430X11Lacassagne JeanL'art en prison. Albums du crocodile essay by prison doctor on prison art of the interbellum
431Y11Art kept me out of jail MuHKAzine Jan Fabre plays J. Mesrine, French criminal MuHKA Antwerp 2010 Antwerp ALSO 449 489
432@14Langholmen prisonner's hat Hotel Stockholm old prison with prison museum next ALSO 432
433@14Langholmen post cards Hotel Stockholm old prison with prison museum next ALSO 432
434B1Bad Boys cellule 425 film by Janusz Mrozowski about the life of four prisonners Wolow Poland shown Paris 2009
435Y1Représentation de l'atelier Théâtre-marionettes asbl Dérivespublic show from theater workshop in forensic psychiatric part 2009 prison Mons
436B1Les lundis de la création TV program on writing workshop incl. writing rap music and slam prison Nivelles 2010
437No1Prison Hotels different kinds of art works by students 15-18 years about prisons Namur 2010
438R11Fergusson MaggieA stitch doing time Intelligent life sewing a quilt shown at the V and A high-security wing London UK
439G12Bussche FrankyArt Without Bars UVV info on projects of Art Without bars AWB
440Y1Reportage du spectacle L'espace d'un temps RTLTV program 2010 about theater workshop Saint-Hubert shown to five other prisons Wallony
441Y1Derrière les barreaux de Valérie Z theater play based on diary of Valerie Z ex-offender 2009 Brussels
442B3Kaffee Detinee Ciné film week with four films Leonara, The Woodsman, Boy A, Documentary Diritto Rovescio
443Y3Stand or fall theatre play by Brian Woolland prisoners and university students Manchester
444Y3Un homme debout theatre play by Jean-Marc Mahy, ex-offender, directed by Brian Woolland Tournai 2010
445R3Kunst integratie in de nieuwe gevangenis van Hasseltworks contemporary artists and media students Ghent in the prison Hasselt
446No1Bombs and Candies sculptures made of weapons and candies by Kata Legrady in Galerie Paris 2010
447G19Nieuwsbrief Boeiend, geboeid collection of newsletters including exhibitions Gevangenis Museum Merksplas
448Y1Peau de loup theater play on story ex-offender directed by Rene Bizac scene Sophie Carlier Brussels 2009
449Y3Jan FabreArt kept me out of jail Jan Fabre plays French criminal J.Mesrine MuHKA Antwerp 2010 with DVD ALSO 431
450R13Graffiti in the Schapenstraat drawing in a squated loft building under construction Leuven 2008
451R1Moose BritMoose & eco-graffiti or Grimewriting Recyclartconference by B. Moose on his technique and graffiti art workshops Brussels 2010
452B1 Jail House Rap & Slam Culture et Democratiedocumentary film 2009 Jette Urban Fusions festival on rap and slam workshop Ittre in 2005 2006
453 G3Arts in Prisons: their impact and potential conference theater, music, visual arts, literature Arts in Prisons Edinburgh 2010
454G1Les musées de Rouen à la maison d'arrêt Musées de Rouenart inititiation prison Rouen by local musea meeting on exhibition showing art books
455G11The A World Anne Peaker Centrerehabilitation through the arts with numerous illustrations of art works
456G11The A World Anne Peaker CentreRehabilitation through the arts with numerous illustrationsof art works
457G11The Bulletin Anne Peaker Centrerehabilitation through the arts with numerous illustrations of art works
458No6Rammant AgnèsInmate Tattoo ScansAWBAWB project on inmate tattoo with travelling exhibition inside prisons
459B1La citoyenneté ne s'arrête pas aux portes des prisonsLe Collectif Dijon Prison3 activities a film a meeting with a prison guard and film about family life and prison FR 2009
460B1Stéphane MercurioA côté film sur les femmes des prisonniersBruxelles Laïquefilm festival Resister aujourd'hui about the free wifes of the prisonners 2009 Brussels Namur
461B1Trous de mémoire: la prisonGIPfestival one month films, meetings, conferences about prison iBrussels 2009
462G12MarchantIk zat in de gevangenis en jij hebt mij bezocht Suara interview Guido Goosens working in prisons as a pastor in Chile
463L12Van den Eynde EvaSchrijven in de cel De Standaard literature workshops in the prison of Wortel
464G11Claus HansDe huizen, een concept voor de Belgische gevangenis van de 21ste eeuw De orde van de dag theory how to organize the prison to be more efficient in helping the prisonners
465G11Nellis MikeCreative Arts and the cultural Politics of Penal Reformrehab most violent prisoners through art On the Special Unit prison Barlinnie Glasgow 1973 to 1981
466X3Frisque NicoleEnfermement psychique Acte art therapy school Normandycourse book from an art therapy formation
467X19Frisque NicoleEtude Clinique study case for art therapy in the women prison of Dakar Senegal 2006
468R19Fatalitas !AWBlegends of drawings of exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
469R1Fatalitas ! Dessins de prisonniers français de l'entre-deux-guerres AWBannouncement exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
470R12Vuegen ChristineGluren in gesloten wereld De Huisarts announcement exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
471R12Gillemon DanieleLe taule-art tel qu'il s'est dessiné, entre deux guerres Le Soir on the exhibition Fatalitas! At Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
472R12Turine Roger PierreFatalitas ! Lalibre be on the exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
473R1Dessins de prison Le Soir announcement exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
474X16Franckx IngeKunst als brug tussen twee werelden: binnen en buiten de gevangenis art as a bridge between inside and outside the prison
475G3Rhodes ColinOutsider Art. Spontaneous alternativesThames & Hudson world of artoutsider art in general
476G3Carrell ChristopherThe Special Unit.Barlinnie Prison: Its evolution [essays evaluating or commenting the special art unit in Scotland
477R3Kornfeld PhyllisCellblock Visions Princeton University Pressinmate art in US America
478R3Gariglio LuigiPortraits in prisons Contrastoportraits of prisoners from all over the world
479No9Straf gestript Gevangenismuseumexhibition organised by the Gevangenis Museum Merksplas 2008
480No12Op de Beeck GrietHet gezicht van de eenzaamheid De Morgen photographs exhibition Geen schuld, wel straf Lieven Nollet Dr Guislain Museum 2010
481@11In bewaring verblijven Unframed Krant Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussel on prisons architecture by students Sint-Lukas school Brussels
482Y9En toen schiep god trappist !theater Play by prisonners Leven-Centraal Leuven 2010
483G11Lee Adams WilliamSentenced to Serving the Good Life Time Norway's prisons and their special criminal-justice system
484Y12Makereel CatherineLe Théâtre pour dénoncer la prison Le Soir theater play Un homme debout Jean-Marc Mahy, ex-offender 2010 Charleroi Tournai 2011 Brussels
485Y12Carpentier NathalieEx-gevangene speelt rol van zijn leven De Morgen theater play Un homme debout Jean-Marc Mahy, ex-offender 2010 and Mechelen
486No11The Ornamental Body Hart 52 SMAKincluding work Inmate Tattoo Art Without Bars AWB 2009 Ghent
487B12Bradfer FabienneNi enfermés à l'intérieur ni libres dehors Le Mad on film Qu'un seul tienne et les autres suivront directed by Lea Fehner about prison life
488@4Quels projets pour l'espace Pénitentiaire dans la cité ?sympo 2008 FR prison in the city and cultural projects with artistic works in local prisons
489Y12Rinckhout EricKunst heeft me uit de cel gehouden De MorgenJan Fabre on Jacques Mesrine,a French prisonner 2010 MuHKA Antwerp ALSO 431 449
490No5Crime et châtiment Connaissance des Arts paintings, drawings or photographs linked to crime or prison 2010 Orsay Museum Paris
491No12Van den Abeele LievenGefascineerd door het kwaad De Standaard paintings, drawings or photographs linked to crime or prison 2010 Orsay Museum Paris
492X11150 jaar Leuven Centraal 1860 - 2010Liga voor Mensenrechtenmagazine published quarterly about Belgian prison life in general and penal policy
493No12Turine Roger PierreLe Dr Guislain, à Gand, exp(l)ose: six expos, un musée !La Libre Belgique article about the exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
494No11Sauwen RikDe wereld andersom ? Te gek !Openbaar kunstbezit Vlaanderen OKVarticle about the exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
495No11Zes zomertentoonstellingen in Museum Dr. Ghuislain Psychiatrie en verpleging article about the exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
496No1Fatalitas ! Tekeningen FR gevangenen interbellum Zone 09/ announcement exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
497No12Turine Roger PierreFatalitas !La Libre Belgique announcement exhibition Fatalitas! at Museum Ghuislain Ghent 2010
498No1Zes zomertentoonstellingen in Museum Dr. Ghuislain announcement different exhibitions 2010
499@12Serneels KatrijnGevangenissen vinden tweede leven De Morgennowadays hotels are set up in former prisons all over the world
500Z19"Nu even niet Hij leest De Standaard " publicity photo with gangsters to promote a newspaper
501Y3Dupoyet PierretteUne voix dans les murs her experience of perfoming theater in prison from 1988 to 2003
502B1La prison sans peine a 2010 film about social freedom and rehabilitation in Puero Princesa City Jail in Philippines
503G1Colloque actions pour personnes placées sous justice ?Paris 2010 sympo about organizing actions on heritage and collective memory including art
504P1L'intervention musicale en milieu pénitentiaire sympo Cassel 2010 about museum intervention in prison in northern France - methodology
505R 3Meadows MatthewInsider Art A and C Black Publishersart by insiders and ex-inmates profiles and a gallery of art work from accross the UK
506G3Depasse JeanineSe former en prison, l'impossible défi ?cefoceducation projects developped by Cefoc in a few Belgian prisons since 2002
507Z3Lévy GérardFleurs de peau Kehayoffphotographic work Lyons Thirties on prisoners' tattoos
508No13Mollard-Chenebenoit PascaleOoggetuige binnen de murenParis copies of painting Mantegna Murilo and Gericault to the prisoners with the Louvre
509@11Dupont-Bouchat Marie-SylviePrisons de Saint-Gilles et de Forest en danger ?short history on the first buildings for prisons in belgium
510No1Clair et obscur CAL Luxemburgincludes works from Inmate Tattoo by AWB in different prisons 2010
511No1Clair et obscur CAL Luxemburgincludes works from Inmate Tattoo by AWB in different prisons 2011 Brussels
512No1Clair et obscur CAL Luxemburgincludes works from Inmate Tattoo by AWB in different prisons 2011 Liège
513G15Von Licht und Dunkel German 2nd international fine art competition with incarcerated people and youth 2011
514G12Bruyninckx JOmdat praten belangrijk isDe Standaard communication and psychology
515R13Weapon made with bread crump picture taken by Orion in the Museum of Police in Ghent
516L1Dag van de gevangen schrijverPen Vlaanderen50th birthday of the Writers in Prison Commitee 2010 Radio Klara on writer N Yasin
517No1Russian Criminal Tattoo Exhibition 2010 London drawings and photographs from The Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia
518Y1Spectacle de Théâtre Mains en l'air - Mano arriba play made by prisoners Lantin(B) and Colina(CL) -dir. JM. Munaretti & I. Paraguirre Rias 2010
519B1Sur les docs: La prison derrière les murs 2011 four documentaries about different cultural and artistic projects made in prison
520No4Art by offenders Koestler Trustexpo London from 29/09/2010 to 14/11/2010
521No14Art by offenders Koestler Trust8 postcards with prisoner drawings and texts
522P2Boelen Legsnazaad songs by Legs Boelen prison NL
523G11Not Shut up !magazine London's prisons and unfree people to communicate and express themselves
524L12Beckers LotteEen blik achter slot en grendel RoulartaLuc Dewaele, guard prison Brugge, book about prison life and criticizes it
525L3Carnet d'escale literature workshop prison Maubeuge France text illustrated with drawings
526L3Carnet d'escale literature workshop prison Maubeuge France text illustrated with drawings
527L12Fusillade: les détenus de Lantin solidaires des victimes prisoners Lantin letter to support victims and their families murder Liege in December 2011
528R5Fox NealJean Genet stained glass window by the contemporary artist Neal Fox representsing Jean Genet
529G4A la recherche du sens seminar about actions in prison 2011 by Le service pour la santé asbl
530G1activités socio-culturelles à l'annexe psychiatrique lecture on the exhibition De l'ombre à la Lumière Forest by APO 2011
531G19Creativity and Captivity articles Seminar Creativity and Captivity VUB 2011
532Y1Johnny Future theater play Netherlands European project PEETA
533No1Les singuliers et le pluriel pictures expo Le singulier et le pluriel Liege 2012 on workshop in psychiatric prison
534G11T Hulpje Gevangenis Leuven Centraalon living conditions in different belgian prisons poetry or drawings
535G11Faire ensemble, Faire circuler Hors Cadreon art workshops in prison France summer 2010 street art, slam, music, sound technique
536G11McNeill FKunstprojecten en What Works Justitiële verkenningenartistic Initiatives Scotland Theatre Music or Opera on Desistance
537R11Schut HeddaVerwondering zien Balans art teacher in jail Netherlands art works from prisoners in exhibition in 2011
538R5Boelen LegsBajesbeelden prison vught collection of art teacher in jail Netherlands art works from prisoners in exhibition in 2011
539Y8Jail house Rap and Slam docu Jail house rap by NParlaku and CD with slam music and book with lyrics Ittre 2005-2006
540L3De Mey MariskaIk ben wie ik ben (2) Mariska De Mey organises open correspondence between prisoners and students KULeuven
541L3Masters Jarvis JayFinding freedom Jarvis Masters write about his experience in the prison of San Quentin
542L3London JackThe Star Rover Jack London tells the story of a detainee, inspired by his friend Ed Morell in San Quentin jail
543No4Art by offenders Koestler Trustexhibiton in London 2011 and in Scotland Glasgow 2011
544Y1Empreintes performance Berkendael 2012 and a work of art given to the audience
545R12F van der Mensbrugghe TimTere littekens met sterke verhalen De Morgen book Littekens aan de oppervlakte on scars from detainees and their stories 2012 Brussels
546G12Nicholson LucyGooi het in de groepDe Standaard detainees California in group therapies while in a cage strong pictures
547X4Johnson HannaUnlocking value Arts Alliance report commissioned to explore one approach to valuing the arts in criminal justice
548Y11Johnson HelenToneel voor de toekomst Nieuwe liefdereport on a theater project in a prison Netherlands
549Y1Présentation du travail du stage de percussions concert made by detainees Marneffe
550B3Cruz HugoEntrado theatre with rock music und work on Hamlet 2009 in the prison of Porto final play is Entrado
551R19Ekelson StéphaneArts plastiques en prison Culture et Démocratiereport on the reflexions of the meeting organized by centre lalique 2010 in St-Hubert
552B1Caron and GarciaOmbre et lumières Leïla filmsby Caron Charline Antonio G Garcia on the story of a theater workshop in Lantin
553R 3Kuhlmann SeptimiaGedetineerden: bouwen op vertrouwen ACCUtheatre project association ACCU in the prison of Krimpen aan de Ijssel NL
554L12Schlömer FrankKunst is broodnodig in deze gevangenis De Morgen play Keffiyeh/Made in China by palestinian author Dalia Taha KVS March 2012
555Y12Theerlynck SarahOok achter tralies kan je je een echte papa voelen De Morgen the theater and music play Rosie en Moussa for children shown in the prison of Leuven
556Y12Op de Beeck GrietAls ik hier buitenkom, dan ... ' De Morgen different art projects by young artists in the prison of Ghent supported by the center OBRA
557G12Metdepenningen MarcEn prison, la peine côtoie aussi de grandes joies Le Soir status questionis rehabilitation in prisons - Belgium
558G11Nugent BriegeThe Art and Prisoners: Experiences of Creative RehabThe Howard Journal evaluation of art programms from Artlink Central Cornton Vale, Scotland's main women prison
559B1Projection de films d'atelier et documentairesCulture et Démocratiethree documentary films about artistic events and workshops in prisons
560B4L'atelier Production de regards à la prison Paris-La-Santé workshop consists of works on films and on the creation of an own TV channel 2012
561R1Image et prison Culture et Démocratie2-days-meeting on images in prison 2012 lectures art projects own experiences 3 exhibitions
562Y11Clarke AlanWellbeing behind bars Arts Professional testimony about his long carreer running arts projects in prisons across Europe
563No1Koestler Trust 50th annual uk exhibitionKoestler Trustbook for 50th anniversary coincides with annual exhibition 2012 London UK ALSO 599
564No1Alvarado RoxanaMères de Qalqylia - Traces de liberté art works by family of prisoners in Palestine 2012 in CC Ottignies-Louvain-la-neuve
565B8Tanghe VladimirGevangen artist Vladimir Tanghe collects in his documentary film testimonies from prison lifes
566B11Cesare deve morire Fatik docu on prisoners playing Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in an italian jail ALSO 592
567L11Mühl Ottole samedi 11 septembre 1999 au matin, Algarve Multitudes representant of the Viennese Actionism talks about prison life interview by Jacques Donguy
568Y1Vienne ClaireThéâtre de la Communauté en tournée Marcel Productionsplay presented in prisons about prison life Sainte-Menehould in France 2013
569G12Ben Azzouz HoudaEen tweede kans, maar met een boodschap Brussel deze week guided tours of Brussels by ex-inmate
570B1Pellerin ChrisFort intérieurdocumentary women painting their self-portrait in prison 2013 Brussels for film festival
571B1Thierry MélanieOmbline story of a woman educating her baby in prison by Stéhane Cazes
572B12Debackere JanBoei ons, Luk Alloo!De Morgeninterview about TV programm interviewing prisoners in the prison of Leuven Centraal
573L12Degryse IlseBerichten uit de bajesDe Standaard poems written by prisoners Leuven-Centraal
574G12Reynebeau MarcKijk uit voor een traag hart De Standaard A. Raine brain research Het gewelddadige brein De biologische wortels van crimineel gedrag
575GVivement dehors! ADEPPImagazine with artistic productions prisoners in the french speaking Belgium
576No1Koestler NewsArrow in the blue: Exhibition for the West Midlands Koestler Trustexpo Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 2013 with entries to 2012 Koestler Awards
577No1Clair et obscur incl. works from Inmate Tattoo project by AWB in prisons and in2013 in Marche-en-Famenne
578No1Portes ouvertes sur la prison Escale du Nord CAAPincluding works from Inmate Tattoo exhibition by AWB 2012 to 2013 in Anderlecht Brussels
579No15AWBDromen over muren heen AWBpreview by AWB on project Art Story Leuven Centraal from 22/05/2013 to 25/05/2013
580G4Unlocking new skills PEETAPEETA Conference 2012 on Theater and Performance Arts notes, brochures of organisations
581No5FAMDLittekens aan de oppervlakte Sporen naar diepgang FAMDcatalogue with photographies from scars of prisoners and their testimonies
582L12Jacobs PeterVan bajesklant tot Nobelprijs De Standaard on creative writing in prison
583L3JoeystarrMauvaise réputation renowned rapper with prison experience
584L3Lamb WallyVan binnen uit geschreven Mouriatexts from women prisoners after workshop on creative writing in the prison of York UK
585L3Luxemburg RosaLettres de prison Berg Internationalletters to her friend Sophie Liebknecht during her detention (1915-1916)
586P12Van Huffel JozefienDe deur van de kapel is op slot Kerk en Levenchanging groups of young musicians perform during mass in prison chapel
587@3Claus HansHuizen Liga voor mensenrechten plea for small-scale detention in urban setting
588@4Kilmainham Gaol former prison of Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin converted into a museum
589@4Cork City Gaol former prison of Cork converted into a museum
590No5Bourgeois CarolineA triple tour Editions de patrimoine visual art works on the question of locking up from Pinault collection in Paris France 2014
591No5Hermans LindeGevangenis Tongeren prison's life through interviews, photos, documents after Tongeren prison closed in 2006
592B8Taviani PaoloCesare deve morire docu on prisoners playing Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in an italian jail ALSO 566
593No1Van Malleghem Sebastien125 jaar Beschermcomité Leuven photos prison's life in Leuven Centraal and artworks from detainees 2013
594R19Boie GideonEmpowerment: développement ressources personnelles des détenus report discussion on approaches and multidisciplinary reflections on acting Huy 2011
595@11Misdaad, straf en kunst Rekto Versoart in detention
596G1Fine Cell Work Fine Cell Worksocial enterprise: paid, skilled, creative needlework to foster hope, discipline, self esteem
597R18Cartoon cartoon
598No5Sarag LucasOngezien De Rode Antraciet vzw art works from prisoners presented in OPEK in Leuven 2013
599No5Doing time with the arts Koestler Trustbook for the 50th anniversary coincides with its annual exhibition 2012 London UK
600No4Koestler Trust annual Review 2012
601No1Koestler Trust exhibition opening for Scotland 2013
602No4Contour 6th Biennale of Moving Image Mechelen 2013
603R3Art in prison ICCPPCworks of art made by prisoners
604R3Art in prison IIICCPPCworks of art made by prisoners
605E4CRED/abilityprogram and notes international Conference 2014
606Y1Olmi VéroniqueMathildevertige.orgtheater play about the return of a partner from prison
607E1ULBJournée de réflexion des (nouvelles) prisons et aprèsULB seminar program on new prisons in Belgium by ULB 2014
608Y5Boelen LegsVast geloof Religieuze kunst van gedetineerden religious art by detainees
609Y14Moving dialogue video project 4 detainees prison Oudenaarde 2014
610G12sodexoIedereen is klant, ook de gevangenenDe Standaardwhat sodexo does in prisons
611G11Oxygène le voyageADEPPI editorial in magazine of detainees on travel
612G12Gevat Buiten BeeldDe Rode Anthracietyearly filmweek within prisons selfreflection
613G11and 613 BISNot Shut Up 10 years of art & writing by the unfreeKoestler Trust10 years of art & writing by the unfree
614G9Studiedag Werken achter de murenVUBcongress prisons houses of justice and courts 2013
615G16Messner MariaArt Programs in Prison: An Impact Study of Twelve Inmates in the Netherlands bachelor thesis art as communication and coping mechanism NL
616G16Djurichkovic AlexandraArt in prisonsUniversity Sydneyliterature review visual art programs
617G7McNeill FergusInspiring Desistance? Arts projects and 'what works?'University Glasgowliterature review arts projects desistance
618G3Arts AllianceRe-imagining futures: exploring arts interventions Northumbria Universityarts interventions and process of desistance
619G16Hanne JanssensErvaringen gedetineerden met culturele activiteitenVrije Universiteit Brusselliterature review and empirical research
620Y12Guinevere Claeysthe magnificent eight even op vrije voetenDe Standaarddance performance detainees belgium
621L3Ria GorisDe weg terugVan Halewyckyoung criminals testify and experts comment
622G11Els Van SteenbergheCultuur is geen luxe tegen de radicaliseringKnackactivities to do to avoid radicalism
623R3Hans PruijnBinnenste BuitenLexxyn Groepartistic training inside a Dutch prison
624@19Harry van RoyenGevangen in de tijd: museum over vrijheidsberovingDr Guislain Museumbook on study day in 2001 prison of Merksplas
625L12Steven SnauwaertEx-gangsterDe Streekkrantautobiography by ex-detainee
626E1Etats généraux sur la prisonCCSPprogram yearly event on prisons 2014
627E1nationale dagen van de gevangenisCCSPprogram yearly event on prisons 2014
628@4Ebrat Museum of Iran tourist guide
629E9Prison Réparation Pardon Réconciliationreligions for peaceinterreligious platform day on dignity
630B15Patrick LemyLa nef des fousneon rouge productionfilm on detention 2015
631E1PAROLjaaroverzicht 2013 vooruitblik 2014PAROL!yearly review of activities 2013
632E1la prison en débatsRéseau Art et Prisonconference discussion film theater and expo
633No12Van den Hoven GerritKunst is vrijplaats in bajes Brabants Dagbladinmate and religion
634E4CRED/abilityprogram and notes international Conference 2014
635No5ter Haar InekeKunstroute Passie op de Kruisberg Catharina Spiritueelspiritual experience
636G11De Reymaeker BaptisteUn homme debout et L'image ne suffit pasJ Culture et Démocratie2 articles
637G3Nelissen PeterStoppen met criminaliteit Schreurs MLworking manual for (ex-)detainees
638G3Demyttenaere BartLevenslang documentary book based on testimonies
639R14Prisoner Art Gallerydepartment of justiceartworks by australian (ex)prisoners
640R14Art in prison
641E1IncarCréation Réseau Art et Prisona radio workshop with women prison of Forest 2015
642E9Meet us at the turning point PICPProgram Partners in crime prevention (PICP) Seminar 2015 Den Bosch NL
643Y13Van de mens niets dan slechts?Suggnomeorganized by Suggnome
644R1Daniel SharonConvictions mixed media prison life in USA
645No1Interneren is geen kunstgevangenismuseumartworks by patients in FPC Wondelgem Merksplas 2015
646@SAR Lucas?Logeren in een gevangenishow a prison became a hotel NL
647P8Ooit komt er een dag Parol ! Writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders
648L3Misevski DraganPrison for beginners Parol ! Writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders
649R1Van Malleghem SébastienTravail: le salaire de la peine photographs debate 2014 Brussels
650R3Goralski MarcinWidzenia Parol ! Writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders
651No4Parol ! Writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders Parol ! Writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders
652No5Miroir de l'âmeexhibition detainees Wallony-Brussels
653G11De Cleene DieterDoelloos achter tralies leisure annoyance
654@12Kuiper MartinAfscheid van de Bijlmerbajes, een vrije en losse tent prison of Over-Amstel is closing NL
655R3Hemrica FollyVan huis uit meegekregen art works about home by Dutch prisoners
656R4Koestler Trust mentoring program Koestler Trust
657G3Cheliotis LeonidasThe arts of desistance evaluation study mentoring program Koestler Trust
658E1Un homme debout inmate Jean-Marc Mahy plays his life on stage
659No1Exposition Prisons de Carine Leroi paintings destroyed prison and quotes inmates
660G11Rogiers FilipDoe mij ook maar Halal Hoe mijn celgenoten stap voor stap radicaliseerden De Standaard Stéphane Médot about radicalism and jihadism in prison
661G10Blokker BasCriminele jongens zielig vinden helpt niet Liefde helpt wel' De Standaard researcher De Jong about how to approach juvenile delinquency
662B10François Troukens Biography François Troukens short biography and filmography of ex-prisoner François Troukens
663B1Outside et Totem Liberté two films by Andrej Schwartz Festival international Liège
664R4Hermitage Amsterdam Chinese and Dutch art collection 2016 until 2017
665G3Daems TomDe gekooide mens Universitaire Pers Leuvenpublications of Achiel Neys criminoligist and chaplain
666X3Essig Rolf-BernhardSchlimme Finger various artists a life of crime and/or imprisonment
667L3Yarris Nick7 Days to Live 21 years on Death Row for a crime not committed
668X3Freire PauloPedagogy of the opressed the essence of education linked with social change and freedom
669G3Nelissen PeterGiving up crime Nelissen Research Maastrichtworkbook with tasks and exercices for (ex)-detainees self-change and self-activity
670R3Tinel KoenraadScheissemer radicalisation Second World War, feeling of guilt
671@1Casabianda, des barreaux dans la tête Programme 2016, Festival de Li�ge du film policiermovie about an open prison by Antony Fayada
672X4Gommeren LiKunst op het hof exhibition Inmate Tattoo by Art Without Bars and prison Oudenaarde
673L3Goff et al David LeeFrom within poetry paintings drawings American prisoners sentenced to life or death
674G3Ardenne PaulL'ennemi public compilation enemies of society art and artists prison system
675R4Kunstbrochure DC Zeist mission of Legs Boelen Detentiecentrum Zeist NL
676G9Journées nationales de la prison Imagine Demain le monde national Prison Days in Belgium
677G1Reducing Prison Population international seminar about deprivation of liberty new approaches
678G1Realising restorative justice flyer for the 9th international Conference of EFRJ
679R1Vernissage FRESQUE, projet Créaction de lien en milieu carcéral Charleroi collective art work prison setting
680R1Koestler Trust Pop-Up Shop buy paintings, drawings and sculptures Koestler Collection
681XPolla BarbaraLe sens de la peine visitor's guide art works and performances FR 2016
682Y12Un nouveau membre à la CAAP: le Dispositif Relais CAAPinterview on reducing juvenile delinquency and play Promenades
683L12Voorgelezen in de gevangenis De Standaard on Oscar Wilde's love letters written in prison
684R3Van Malleghem SébastienPrisons photographs inmates in cells
685X3Frize NicolasLe sens de la peine Leo Scheeressay on meaning of punishment
686L9A stranger on the shore The Koestler Trustanthology Koestler Awards prisons and secure hospitals UK
687No8Vanden Abeele MaartenYou weren't there yet Museum Dhondt-Dhaenenscinematographic portrait Zachary Susskind works by prisoners Andenne
688R3Baldaev DanzigDrawings from the Gulag Murray and Sorrell Fueldrawings from the Gulag system from 1918
689L3Segers VeerleBurgemeester achter tralies Davidsfonds UitgeverijG Verschueren Leuven open regime prison 34 years of humane prison sentence
690X3Verhoeven GarreltThe Prison of Weltevreden librarian Boudewijn Buch search The Prison of Weltevreden (1855)
691R3De Wilde et al America in black and white Hannibal Publishingearly work of John G Zimmerman icon American photography 1950
692Y12Harvey PJPJ Harvey zingt tegen Guantanamo De Standaard song for last British prisoner Guantanamo activism
693E3Sortir de prison Vers une transition réussie?CAAPstudy day to discuss life after prison and the effects of transition homes
694G17Thomas JoannaThe Prison of Pollsmoor (South-Africa) BBCconflict resolution workshops with rival Gang members in Prison
695G8Thomas JoannaThe Prison of Pollsmoor (South-Africa) BBCconflict resolution workshops with rival Gang members in Prison
696L12Soyez les bienvenus ! ADEPPI25th anniversary drawings between 1986 and 1996 overview and analysis
697Y9JUST= recht spraak in 7 klank beeldenARSENAAL/LAZARUSbrief overview stages of the play June 2017 Mechelen
698G12Leigh Brown PatriciaUsing Art To Transcend Prison Walls New York Timesa California initiative to nurture inmates' creativity by mural class
699L3Hietbrink WillemKwispelen Met Taal explanations of Dutch words and sayings written by a detainee
700No4Please Come Back maxxiconcept of prison analysing its physical dimension and its metaphorical meaning
701G11Van Lierde EmmanuelKunstatelier werkt vaak als biechtstoel Tertioabout Toin Delva a ceramist working with prisoners in Ghent
702Y1Les Invalidés présentent La Pièce Dispositif Relaistheatre group of young detainees 2017 in Brussels
703Y1Zagrosek LotharLe Prisonnier opera by Lothar Zagrosek and Lluis Pasqual Paris
704No9Stigmata, Actions en Performances 1976-2013 different works Jan Fabre drawings photographs videos 2015
705B8Parol ! moving dialogue writing and art beyond wallsartistic dialogue between inmates filmmakers on life inside and outside prison Oudenaarde
706L19Samenkomst Collegagroep Gevangenisbibliotheken De Rode Antraciet vzwfifteenth meeting prison libraries Brussels with work Van Gorp
707R12Van Der Speeten GeertKunst vanachter traliesDe Standaardart from Guantanamo shown in NY contested in US
708G11Woussen WouterCriminele Cohousing: het Exodushuis in Rotterdam De StandaardExodus home Rotterdam for ex-detainees for reintegration into society and inversely
709G16Staes Rowanmotivatie justitiabelen vrijwillige deelname projecten?UCLLmotivation Belgian ex-inmates for participation in rehabilitating art projects
710L3A Shining Future Koestler Trustwritings poems and stories written by young detainees
711G11Meunier Pascalereconstruire la confiance avec de jeunes détenus Alter Echosreintegration young and small-time offenders in Brussels prepare and present a play
712No4Dockx NicoMaking Public Domain Royal Ac Fine Arts Antwerp artists mediators activists authorities on commoning the city on creativity and criminality
713B1Williamson DavidA Conversation EFRJ European Forum for Restorative Justice film on restorative justice - Australia
714B1Vanhoutvinck ValérieOngles Rouges Flageydocufilm on 7 women living in, some out prison and meeting through the arts
715G11Rammant Agnèsproblematisch levensverhaal bronnen van creativiteitFlamboyantworks and impact of AWB on rehabilitation by the therapeutic effect of arts and creativity
716Y9LUCA Showcase 2017 LUCA School of Artstheatre piece on restorative justice - Belgium
717No1Yellow Ribbon Community Art Exhibition Singel artworks by inmates from Singapore on their rehabilitative journey through art making
718L1Koestler TrustKoestler Voices New Poetry from Prisons Volume I Koestler Trust anthology Koestler Voices
719B1Troukens FrançoisUn crime parfait?RTL weekly TV series on criminal files presented by F Troukens ex-detainee 2017
720@4Prison Island real life game in a reconstructed prison of 20 cells to escape from it Middelburg Netherlands
721Y3Amann BaptisteDes territoires ( D'une prison l'autre ) Dramaturgies piece on psychological detention, not in prison but within society and family
722No10Fleetwood NicoleMarking Time. Art in the age of mass incarcerationMoMA NY inmates turn ordinary daily objects into art US
723R11Rammant AgnèsGeïnterneerden en kunst; een juiste matchFlamboyantAWB methods of work with arts, translation book H. Lanssiers
724R12Schoenaerts MatthiasWees eindelijk eens wat warmer voor elkaar. Ook voor gevangenenDe Standaardfilmstar plea for more humanity in prisons and graffiti
725L3Gruwez AnneTais-toi! Si la justice m'était comptéeRacinejudge, actor and writer on her experience with young criminals minors
726B10Connolly P, Rowe RInside the World's Toughest PrisonsEmporium NetflixTV documentary series on prisoners and guards from 2016
800L3Lanssiers HubertLos Dientes del dragonPetroperuprison art Peru
801Y4Janacek Leos Z MRTVEHO DOMU Uit een dodenhuis De Muntopera
802G3Janacek Leos, Longchamp C. et aliiZ MRTVEHO DOMU Uit een dodenhuisDe Muntopera
803G11Rammant  Agnès, Deveen Lydia, Jolie AnneGeÏnterneerden en kunst: een juiste matchHuis van de Mensart forensic hospitals
804R5van Schie Hidde Prison DrawingsSMAKdrawing
805Y19Hastings Evan Shadow LiberationPax Christi Vlaanderenshadow theater
806L12Mathys Kathy on Rachel Kushner, Club Marsreview book
807B10Corbeel Adrien on François Troukens - J.F. Hensgens, Les Tueursreview film
808Y12Tielens Filip on Elena Peeters, Johnyboyreview theater
809R11Tixier Laure Map with a view, géometrie de l'enfermementprison structure
810L3Bankes Ariane Doing Time with the Arts. The Koestler Trust at 50activities Koestler Trust
811B8Woolland Brian Stand or Fall. From page to stageHMP Winchester documentary theater UK
812No10Hafmans Marcia Script from WithinGalerie Absoluutconceptual art Netherlands
813Y11Jowa Emmanuelle Anne Gruwez.L'année de tous les dangersactivism Paris Match
814No10Worster Rosie on Francis Kakoroko, Remember Me Prison Arts Coalitionreview exhib
815G3Op de Beeck Griet et aliiMekaar zien. Het belang van cultuur in de gevangenisDe Rode Antraciet culture prisons
816Y3Peeters Elena JohnyboySLAKtext play theater
817Y4Michalik Alexis Intra Muros La Pépinière théâtretheater Paris
818Y10M. Watthée-DelmotteInside Out UCL Ecole de criminologieshort film theater
819Y10Van den Panhuyzen Kevin Peine PerduDispositif Relaisreview theater
820Y3Rammant Agnès, Michaud Julie, Verbrugghen SofieSpelen met schaduw en lichtArt Without Bars shadow theater
821L3Lanssiers HubertLos DIentes del dragonPetroperurehabilitation
822No19ADYS - INPEArte y esperanzaICPNA culturalceramics inmates Lima Peru
823B12Frederique VanneuvilleBoetepsalmen ook vandaagmusic interview film
824L19CAAPLecture, écriture en prison: Un levier pour la (ré)insertion?CAAPconference
825B12Schoenaerts MatthiasThe Mustangfilm rehabilitation
826Y8ASDASCSMais il est où mon PapaASDASCS Angersshadow theater
827No11Vanvaeck Mark Museum van de misdaadexpo OKV
828Y19Theater PerplexGevangen Geboren. Het waar gebeurde verhaal van een gedetineerdeTheater Perplexflyer theater
829L12Bonneure Kristin De profundis political emprisonment
830No19Cobo Pepe Dos ClausurasICPNA culturalflyer photography and embroidery
831B12Heremans Tom Vrijheid is… ook niet allesreview TV series
832G12The EconomistThe Rock and a hard placerehabilitation US
833G10Rio Tera dei PensieriRio Tera dei Pensieri projects rehabilitation Italy
834L7Rammant AgnèsReport of three visits in Lima by Art Without BarsArt Without Barsrehabilitation Peru
835No19Morin Mathieu Amerika bestaat niet Art et margeshandout expo
836L3Guéno Jean-Pierre Paroles de détenusRadio Francepoetry inmates
837G19Jolie Anne Trefdag Moderator 21-11-2019Moderatorprogram conference
838L10de Veen Thomas Zo moet het zijn levenslang gestraft te zijn De Geusreview book of C. Otten Een van ons
839No4Hermant PaulLes mots font les murs La Maison du Livreprogram exhibition
840R12Fine Cell WorksBorduren in de bajes embroidery
841@9Abbaye d'AuberiveAbbaye d'Auberivewomen's prison
842L4 Paillet Dacil MartinParoles détenuesBarricad workshops literature femal inmates
843G11Maerevoet Elie, Rammant AgnèsZo ben ikinterview of A. Rammant
844L3Bahouhammad Farid Farid le Fou d'Amour Victime du systèmeDricotbiography inmate
845L3Harford Alain Neuf essentiels sur la prison et l'action culturelle en milieu carcéralCulture et Démocratieculture prisons
846L4Ipers Wim, Kermarrec Joëlle, Sarah MichielsenEen kamer voor jezelfDe Rode Antracietpoetry inmates Brussels bilingual
847L4La maison du livreLes mots font les murs. Littérature et univers carcéral La maison du livretexts pannels exhibition
848L3Lammers Eric Une âme plus si noire. Lettres de prisonLes impressions nouvelleslettres de prison
849Y10CanvasNieuw op Canvas: Ontoerekenvatbaar Canvas art forensic centres
850R10Strauss Joulia For the breadown of bordersworkshops femal refugees Greece
851R10Geens KoenMatthias Schoenaerts, een man van veel talentenMin. Just.(Koen Geens)graffiti prison Oudenaarde
727B10The Making of JusticeInside the World's Toughest Prisons
Manyone/BUDA Artscrime film with seven inmates plus a conversation
728L5Guéno JP Lhéritier GérardVerlaine in de gevangenisGallimardexhibition Musée Lettres&Manuscripts Brussels&Paris
729R10MarkMy StoryKoestler TrustArt Aid Activity Sheet by video learning inmates how to draw a portrait
730R18Jan Kasper LuikenHet Rasp Huyscopper engraving on forced labour in prison in the past
731P5Hotel BeethovenBOZARheartbeat opera with chorus inmates and volunteers US
732G10cardboard pastry boxprison Paduabakery Pasticerria Giotto in prison Padua Italy
733L3Lanssiers HubertLes dents du dragon Propos sur la dignité de l'être humainAWBprison art Peru
734B12Aerts RubenGevangen in uitzichtloosheid Film Un triompheMetrofiction film Un Triomphe with French prison inmates
735No5Rammant Jean-PierreArt Kiosk Fifty Coups de Coeur De Wijnbergillustrated report on how to collect and show art also in jail
736G1Feys BenjaminAlloo in de Buitenlandse gevangenisCreative Krokoldezen lecture by ex-inmate on prison live in Bolivia and rehabilitation after prison
737No1Reyntjes SamFoto-expo rond leven in gevangenis van MerksplasBelgaphotography by Eddy Meijs on Corona in detention
738R10Santmann EdArt of FreedomChances and Changespublication in progress on subject art in detention
737R3Meijs EddyBubbel in de plasBelgaphotography by Eddy Meijs on Corona in detention
738G3Sefcic Melinda (ed.) Art of freedom. A collection of practices and ideas on art in prison. Manual for artistsCroatian Association of Fine Artists(publ.)vision on prison art based mainly of Eastern European and Dutch practises
740No12Sheets Hilarie M.Creativity behind bars and then well beyond The New-York Times International Editiontraveling US expo on prison art curator Nicole Fleetwood
741@19Geschiedenis van het tuchthuisLodge group Hotels history of the former prison of Vilvoorde near Brussels
742G3Chaveau PhilippeChamp libre. De la détention à une collectionMusée d'Aquitaine workshops in Maison d'arrêt Bordeaux 2016
743L14Sedlinitsky ArtemiyBonjour cher madame Rammantletter by inmate of Arlon to Art Without Bars 10-10-22
744No19FRONT & BACK of deer antlersArt Without Bars visitor's lexicon exhibition 3 X HUBERTUS
745L3Lanssiers HubertLos dientes del dragon Petroperurehabilitation in Peru - 5th edition
746G12van der Steen PaulDe gevangenis die een café opendeNRCcafé for outsiders run by femal inmates
747G11Saurier Delphine et alLa culture en prison: la possibilité d'une rencontre Champ Pénal/Penal field prison art - aesthetic experience - public politics
748@7Klanten RobertPossibly the most humane prison in the world SPACE10 gestaltengreen prison architecture Halden prison Norway
749R10Van grijs naar graffiti in de gevangenis van Turnhout De Rode Antraciet vzwgraffiti on walls Turnhout prison with artist Sven Hardies
750L10Radio Begijnenstraat LUYSTER podcastgezelschapdigital audio artproject Antwerp prison
751R19press expo 3xHUBERTUSKerk en leven-Info Bertem-Het Laatste Nieuwspress- flyers St. Kamillus Bierbeek & St. Veronakapel Leefdaal
752@19Chaar Abdul RahmanChaar Abdul Rahman design managerphotographs architecture new Haren prison
753No10Roncagliolo Santiago El sueno que nunca termina Seguirshow inmate art at gallery ICPNA Miraflores Lima
754B11Perrot MathildeQuant l'art se mêle à l'autonomieEthica Clinicadocumentary film on Belgian art therapy
755Z12ADMeer dan 100 bendeleden in 1 cel met 2 toilettenHet Laatste Nieuwstatoo photography of inmates of El Salvador
756R10Polfliet LieveWat is het project SESAME?CAW Oost-Brabant -KNEPHpainting project on walls Leuven Centraal
757R12Van der Speeten GeertVan de straat naar de gevangenisDe Standaardpainting project on walls Dendermonde
758F153 X HUBERTUSArt Without Barsworkshops&turning exhibition'22-'24
posters flyers
759X3Gauding MadonnaLa Bible des SymbolesGuy Trédaniel éditeurreferencebook on symbolic signs
760X3Rivera Holguin MiryamPsychological coping with the legacies of collective violenceKU Leuven Faculty of psychologyresearch on coping wit different forms of violence in Peru
761Y10L'abolition, le combat de Robert BadinterFestival d'Avignontheater piece by criminal youngers at La FabricA Avignon
762No4AnkeZintuigen SpecialInfolaan 96 FPC Antwerpenspecial ed. expo Forensic Centre FPC Antwerp 2023
763No4Outside InArt Behind Barsexpo contemporary art in former prison UK Festival '22
764X3Hame JohanneArt-thérapiepsychotherapy through arts
765L3Atwood MargretHag-see. The tempest retoldfiction about a theater course in prison
7664de Longrée IsabelleDedans/dehors. Contre-vues sur la prisonsLe Delta Provinde de Namurexhibition with works by 7 artists made after meeting inmates
767X4Cocteau JeanInsania pingensart de personnes internées, certaines pour cause de délit
768X4Barrucand M.Expression et signeSpecia- Clinique de la FacultéEtudes psychopalologiques Juin75 vol. 5 n°2
769P10Bultheel BillyThe Thief's Journal: Songs of decreationMusic performance inspired by Jean Genet's autobiography
770R3Fabre JanVrienden…Provinciaal Museum HasseltJan Fabre staging and drawing renowned criminals JanJan Fabre au LouvreVlaams-Nederlands HuisJan Fabre staging ciminal Jacques Mesrine in Le Louvre
772R4Neal FoxBeware of the goodgallery Daniel Blaustained glas featuring a.o. Jean Genet
773R8Dietvorst ElsKoningskinderenproject with young criminals of center De Hutten in Mol
774L19Kunst heeft de kracht om je even uit je hoofd te halenMuseum M Louvain- De Rode Antracietpoetry and music project entitled M-IDZOMER with the inmates of prison Leuven Hulp
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